Best Available Brains For A BrainStormer – Deep Tech Innovation Lead Solns. – Workshop.
November 25th. 2017, from 11 am till 6 pm. Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries, 6 N S Road, Kolkata 700001

Mr. Arjun Malhotra – Co-founder of HCL & Board Chairman Lumis Partners will give the inaugural speech at the launch of the Innovation and Incubation Networked Centers Initiative and soft launch of the 1st. Innovation & Innovation and Incubation Center for Machine Learning in India catalyzed by TotalStart Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Developers with strategic partnership of Bengal Chamber.
Deep technologies are innovations based on unique invention and IP creation: an innovation creating new market opportunities spanning across multiple industries with different applications of the same underlying technology.
Although tech entrepreneurship is growing very fast in India, and India has become the centre of world class R&D, technology innovation in the Indian eco-system has led only to very few global businesses being formed.
At this brainstorming event, our panel will discuss the challenges faced by Startups, Accelerators, large companies and investors in driving innovation.
Overcome barriers-to-innovation and enable innovation through ‘collaborative innovation’ with Startups – from lab to market
Identify technology trends, market size and opportunities in Deep Tech
Take Indian innovation into global markets
Value IP at different stages of the technology lifecycle
Pave the way forward for startups to build innovative global companies in Deep Tech
build innovative global companies in Deep Tech
Incubating & Scaling Micro & Small District Entrepreneurs @Odisha – Workshop
September 13 – September 16
Sep 13 at 11 AM to Sep 16 at 2 PM
Co-organized by: Asian School Of Business Management
ASBM, Siksha Vihar, Bhola,, Bhubaneswar, India 750412

TotalStart Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Developers & Asyst Software Services Pvt. Ltd., is jointly launching the program for scaling 5 startups for next 5 years from Eastern India. Initially the space which is being allocated for the Scaling of the Innovation Driven Startups is going to be around 10,000 sqft or as required. If the Innovation Driven Startups are fundable immediately, funding will be done for the startups as soon as appropriate due diligence is carried out for the startups. If it is found that the startups require some hand-holding before getting funded and need some acceleration time, extended workspace is going to be provided for these startups for 6 to 12 months, followed up by funding and the workspace can be increased as required for the scaling of the startups. We are looking for deep innovation driven product startups but also open to services startups whose services are based on deep innovation driven products. For further query please send your detailed pitch deck to by 10th. April 2016 latest. For all your queries please whatsapp 8017292817 or call 9749077674
17th. March 2016: Inauguration & 1st. Workshop – TotalStart Blind Youth Entrepreneurship Development Initiative For Uneducated Adults : Focus Agribusiness:

TotalStart Bengal the local operation of TotalStart Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Developers, a section 25 not for profit company focused on developing entrepreneurship ecosystem in entrepreneurially less developed regions in the country is launching at Blind Boys Academy, Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur, West Bengal on 17th. of March 2016 the “TotalStart Blind Youth Entrepreneurship Development Initiative For Uneducated Adults : Focus Agribusiness” in collaboration with the “Blind Boy’s Academy, Ramkrishna Mission Narendrapur”.

BESTalk Kolkata 2016: It was exactly what we wanted it to be, a small gathering of engaged entrepreneurs, intellectuals and intrapreneurs who were engaged completely and dedicatedly to spend 3 to 4 hours to make a difference by engaging in a dialogue as to how to make a change and boost up the entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Bihar. TotalStart as the main hosting partner heartily thanks on behalf of President and General Secretary of BEA – Bihar Entrepreneurship Association, President of TiE Kolkata as the cohost of the event and by extending TiE Kolkata’s arm to support the entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Bihar; Principal Commercial Officer, US Consulate General of Kolkata, by 100% extending their office’s support and sharing the knowledge about all the extended services which the US Government has and what Bihar entrepreneurs can avail to make Bihar an enterprising Bihar and many others who were present to support the occassion including Professors from IIM Calcutta and most importantly the sons of the soil of Bihar settled in Kolkata who engaged and took the oath that they will put their heart and soul in making Bihar an Entrepreneur’s paradise.