Be Inspired!

Path of Entrepreneurship is a path of love, which however many times you get jilted you cannot give up as it is an intrinsic need for the ones who have once tread the path. Just like you have fallen in love once, and you cannot stop seeking love and you carry on until you get it. And as we know love keeps you satiated for a while, and then you seek for new love, maybe in the same relationship or in a new one. For a chemically brain driven entrepreneur it is mostly the same. He/she either finds out new ways of doing things within his or her enterprise, by exploring and expanding, or seek new opportunities and new adventures in creating new ventures, new enterprises. The driving force behind a true real entrepreneur, the chemically driving substance institutionalized in ones brain is the continuously dynamic super-active DNA of Creativity, of creating something new, something which challenges one more than the last one. An entrepreneur aspires to feel like a God in ones pursuit of creativity and creation. The God Feeling (without really realizing for oneself) is the ultimate self realization of an entrepreneur, his/her Moksha, Moksha in creation and creativity. 
Dr. Suryanil Ghosh, Chairman, TotalStart Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Developers
